Daily Prompt: Believe

via Daily Prompt: Believe What Happened To Uganda, The Country We Were All Proud Of? The early 2000’s to which most of my age-mates and I gain our political knowledge were great times to grow up into. The economy was stable, the doughnuts and food were cheap and sizable, education was cheap, we attended  public…


If there was a biography about you, what would the title be? Well I genuinely think it would be something along the lines of “Finding Peace” which I believe is the eternal battle I continue to fight

The Woman of My Life

What TV shows did you watch as a kid? Dear Hailee, I grew up during the era of soap operas, before “hard guy” stocks rose and made boys and men start to feel ashamed of watching soaps. It was also a time when the shows were PG-rated, well-scripted and acted. As a child we owned…

Random Act of Kindness

Write about a random act of kindness you’ve done for someone. Thus, when you give to the needy, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward.But when you give to…

Rhacky8 meets Lord Rhaikara

What’s the story behind your nickname? My childhood nickname was “Boss”, don’t know why but that’s what my dad and brothers called me. I certainly hope it was my family trying to manifest power onto me. I have about 4 nicknames and they’re mostly variations of my surname because well, I’ve always loved it. I…

French Toast Again and Meats

What foods would you like to make? I am proud to say that I am a fairly decent cook thanks to years spent learning and practicing the skill first at home during my childhood and later during my Senior four vacation when I got a job as a waitress and cook. And while my stint…


Dogs or cats? A few years ago, the answer would have been neither and I probably would’ve done that thing where you bring a different variable into the picture when you don’t like the options before you. In this case since I sneeze when near cats and can barely stand them and feared dogs back…

Reading then everything else

Which activities make you lose track of time? There was only ever one correct answer and that’s reading, I love books and when I get a good one I lose myself into it and blur out everything else because in those moments nothing matters. I’ve been guilty of putting my phone on flight mode in…

Cancel Culture, Ideology Wars and Weaponizing Past Mistakes

What bothers you and why? They’re obviously many things that bother me. If I were to have this conversation with you in person I would name a couple of things off the head from income inequalities to the growing possibility of a third world war and lack of access to basic human needs like water…